
Living with Uncertainty During Uncertain Times


LIVING WITH UNCERTAINTY DURING UNCERTAIN TIMES The COVID-19 pandemic brings back memories of how vulnerable I felt during the early days of my ovarian cancer diagnosis and subsequent recurrences. On the day I woke up from surgery and found out I had cancer, my life was suddenly filled with fear, uncertainty and a feeling of [...]

Living with Uncertainty During Uncertain Times 2020-04-07T15:50:08+00:00

What’s In A Word


WHAT'S IN A WORD Originally published in ASCO Connection, March 2017  I’ve written in the past about how words are powerful—that they can have multiple meanings, how they can change depending on context. I am often reminded about how true that is in everyday oncology practice, especially when it comes to meeting new patients. Some [...]

What’s In A Word 2020-03-25T14:22:17+00:00

My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met Along The Way


My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met along the Way I ran a nonprofit for twenty years that helped neighborhood residents start businesses in their own community.  As a community based urban planner, I was taught that true change in our society comes from the marginalized.  I was a student of “Pedagogy [...]

My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met Along The Way 2020-02-20T21:26:42+00:00

Dealing With The Grey Zone


DEALING WITH THE GREY ZONE I’m in the grey zone again . . . a time of unknowns and uncertainty.  My CA-125 (which is a blood test that is used to track how I am doing) has been creeping up steadily over my last four appointments. It appears as if my maintenance treatment may no [...]

Dealing With The Grey Zone 2020-02-04T17:05:22+00:00