/Don Dizon

About Don Dizon

A doctor, professor and expert in women's oncology, Don Dizon is the Head of Women's Cancers at Lifespan Cancer Institute and a prolific writer for social media and online platforms.

What’s In A Word


WHAT'S IN A WORD Originally published in ASCO Connection, March 2017  I’ve written in the past about how words are powerful—that they can have multiple meanings, how they can change depending on context. I am often reminded about how true that is in everyday oncology practice, especially when it comes to meeting new patients. Some [...]

What’s In A Word 2020-03-25T14:22:17+00:00

Living in My Memory


LIVING IN MY MEMORY Originally posted at ASCO Connection on 9/29/2017 Starting a new job is always stressful – the move from one institution to another, getting hospital credentials, obtaining provider credentialing for various insurances, meeting new staff, and adjusting to a new work “culture.” Having done my share of moves, these are nearly universal [...]

Living in My Memory 2019-07-31T16:06:54+00:00

Engagement and Community


ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY My desire to become an oncologist was nested in one goal- to help achieve better: better treatments, better survival curves, better quality of life. I laid out a career built in patient care, clinical research, and novel therapeutic clinical trials, and for the most part, that’s the path that I’ve stuck to, [...]

Engagement and Community 2018-08-22T18:03:57+00:00