//Connecting the International Community

Today (very early in the morning for some of us!) Globe-athon hosted the first-ever live international discussion about Globe-athon in an hour-long Google+ Hangout on Air. Featuring esteemed physicians and Globe-athon Leaders from around the world, the participants held an informed and visionary conversation about GYN Cancers and The Walk to End Them!

Deeply involved in both the Gynecological Cancer world and the organization of Globe-athon in their respective countries, participants included Globe-athon founder Dr. Larry Maxwell (United States); Country Captains Dr. Adriana Bermudez (Argentina), Dr. Jean Rene Clemenceau (Mexico), Dr. Mansoor Mirza (Denmark) & Dr. Lucas Minig (Spain); and International SGO Committee Chairman Dr. Linus Chuang. The agenda touched on opportunities for forming a cohesive global community, coordinating Media outreach, integrating social media, and increasing UN and local Government involvement.

The ability to do a live broadcast of this meeting of the minds has been a great opportunity to advocate for greater awareness, driven by the international web community. A live Twitter feed, using the hashtag #globeathon, followed the discussion point for point and engaged viewers in their own conversation. Check it out on Globe-athon’s Twitter (www.twitter.com/globeathon) and Google+ Page.

Marilyn Pientka, who watched the broadcast live from Wisconsin, commented afterwards, “Listening to these wonderful doctors from around the world speaking about Awareness of GYN cancers as well as the needs of the different countries reinforces the reason for Globe-athon’s existence… The question is, how can Globe-athon [most effectively] support each country going forward? …The women affected by cancer and their families are the greatest advocates for awareness. If you capture their attention.. then things will happen for awareness and advancement in treatments in all countries.

“One step at a time… what a big STEP we are making on Sept. 29th to start this Awareness off. Thank you for making this happen.”


Want to watch the broadcast? Check it out on YouTube (http://youtu.be/GQjCm4y6-eI) and keep your eyes open for future Google+ Hangout broadcasts!
