
Living with Uncertainty During Uncertain Times


LIVING WITH UNCERTAINTY DURING UNCERTAIN TIMES The COVID-19 pandemic brings back memories of how vulnerable I felt during the early days of my ovarian cancer diagnosis and subsequent recurrences. On the day I woke up from surgery and found out I had cancer, my life was suddenly filled with fear, uncertainty and a feeling of [...]

Living with Uncertainty During Uncertain Times 2020-04-07T15:50:08+00:00

What’s In A Word


WHAT'S IN A WORD Originally published in ASCO Connection, March 2017  I’ve written in the past about how words are powerful—that they can have multiple meanings, how they can change depending on context. I am often reminded about how true that is in everyday oncology practice, especially when it comes to meeting new patients. Some [...]

What’s In A Word 2020-03-25T14:22:17+00:00

My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met Along The Way


My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met along the Way I ran a nonprofit for twenty years that helped neighborhood residents start businesses in their own community.  As a community based urban planner, I was taught that true change in our society comes from the marginalized.  I was a student of “Pedagogy [...]

My Road to Advocacy and the Inspiring Women I’ve Met Along The Way 2020-02-20T21:26:42+00:00

Dealing With The Grey Zone


DEALING WITH THE GREY ZONE I’m in the grey zone again . . . a time of unknowns and uncertainty.  My CA-125 (which is a blood test that is used to track how I am doing) has been creeping up steadily over my last four appointments. It appears as if my maintenance treatment may no [...]

Dealing With The Grey Zone 2020-02-04T17:05:22+00:00

Holidays Past


HOLIDAYS PAST Winter in the Northern Hemisphere is a season I look forward to enjoying. For me and my family, it is get-togethers at Christmas; for nearby friends it is gatherings for Hanukkah or Kwanzaa; and we all look forward to welcoming the New Year. Before my cancer diagnosis I remember starting to put up [...]

Holidays Past 2019-12-10T18:05:44+00:00

The Power of Your Story


THE POWER OF YOUR STORY Recently I met a young woman who had been diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer three years before; she was back in treatment for a second recurrence. I asked if she had considered participating as a presenter for Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance's Survivors Teaching Students®(STS) Program.  As the National Program [...]

The Power of Your Story 2019-11-22T17:24:27+00:00

Learning From Long-Term Survivors


LEARNING FROM LONG-TERM SURVIVORS What do you do? What do you eat? Do you take supplements? These were the questions that I asked every woman who had undergone treatment for ovarian cancer that I met those first few years after my own diagnosis. I was desperate to learn and do anything—absolutely anything—that would help me [...]

Learning From Long-Term Survivors 2019-09-26T12:46:06+00:00

Cancer Is A Human Experience – Not Just A Medical One


CANCER IS A HUMAN EXPERIENCE - NOT JUST A MEDICAL ONE Mom, just send me a text if you need anything, I can barely hear you when you speak. Advice from my daughter as I recover from a thyroidectomy I had a few days ago. As I wait for my pathology results, I’m recalling my [...]

Cancer Is A Human Experience – Not Just A Medical One 2019-09-25T14:01:24+00:00

Staying Hopeful


STAYING HOPEFUL I was recently asked by a woman whose ovarian cancer had just returned how I remained hopeful in the face of my own multiple recurrences. I had to think and reflect before answering her.  I’ve always been a positive person – not a “Pollyanna” per se – but generally a “glass half-full” type of [...]

Staying Hopeful 2019-07-31T23:46:26+00:00

Valleys and Mountains


VALLEYS AND MOUNTAINS Originally Posted on tps://ovariancancerisnothing.com/2019/05/29/valleys-and-mountains/ It wasn't until my body was curled into itself and heaved erratically from the grief that I heard the bugle call me out of the valley.  It wasn't until I was standing at the top of the mountain in celebration that I decided to make an effort to stay [...]

Valleys and Mountains 2019-07-31T16:03:45+00:00