
Consuming the Darkness after Cancer


CONSUMING THE DARKNESS AFTER CANCER Originally posted on ovariancancerisnothing.wordpress.com  It had been a while since I’d cried that hard – that honestly. This blog post has been rolling around my mind like a marble clanking on the side of a plastic cup. I sat on the bathroom floor hugging my husband two days before the [...]

Consuming the Darkness after Cancer 2018-09-25T15:32:10+00:00

Don’t say you’re sorry, please just do better


DON'T SAY YOU'RE SORRY, PLEASE JUST DO BETTER Miserable with abdominal bloating and fatigue and following an ultrasound and a CT scan, I found myself being examined by a gynecologist who stopped mid-exam and said "I am 99% confident you have ovarian cancer and women die from that." He walked out of the room without [...]

Don’t say you’re sorry, please just do better 2018-08-22T18:01:21+00:00

Hooked on research


HOOKED ON RESEARCH I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2004.  The first four years were pretty rough. I recurred – twice. I underwent three major surgeries, and with the last I had part of my liver removed. I went through five therapy regimens and participated in a vaccine phase I clinical trial.  I have [...]

Hooked on research 2018-09-25T15:30:51+00:00

Why another community for women with ovarian cancer?


WHY ANOTHER COMMUNITY FOR WOMEN WITH OVARIAN CANCER? If you are someone whose life has been affected by ovarian cancer you are likely asking yourself: "Why another community for women with ovarian cancer?" There are already several support and advocacy groups and numerous forums on social media where women share their experiences, ask questions and [...]

Why another community for women with ovarian cancer? 2018-08-22T18:03:03+00:00

Engagement and Community


ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY My desire to become an oncologist was nested in one goal- to help achieve better: better treatments, better survival curves, better quality of life. I laid out a career built in patient care, clinical research, and novel therapeutic clinical trials, and for the most part, that’s the path that I’ve stuck to, [...]

Engagement and Community 2018-08-22T18:03:57+00:00